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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Building your Beach Resume

It is all about Live.Give.Relax. when you are an official citizen of the Quahog Republic.  Today we are going to give some advice on the much needed relax.  Even though it may not feel like summer yet with all the snow we have been getting.  Before you know it, the sunny weather will be here.  So we decided to give some expert advice on relaxing on the beach.  There are many factors to consider before you even step foot on one grain of sand.
The first one is picking a beach.  We all have our favorites that we go to all summer.  We know that when you get there, you go to the left by a jetty or walk several hundred yards to where the water will be warmer or or the sand is a tad bit softer.  That is all well and good but it is fun picking a beach you have never been to and I guarantee after trying it a few times, you will build up your beach resume.  You don’t go to the same place for vacation every year so why would you hit the same beach time after time.  The best way to find a new beach is to ask a friend or fellow official citizen of the Quahog Republic.  You are sure to get some good advice on a new spot to relax.  Once you have chosen a beach to check out, the first thing to do is to google the keyword  “tide chart and name of beach”.  This is important information that you will need when you get to the beach to figure out where to position your perch for the day. 
When you get to the beach take a look at your tide chart and figure out if the tide is going in or out.  If it is coming in, position your beach chair half way between where the water is and where the high tide mark is. (the high tide mark can usually be seen where there is a line of seaweed going up and down the shore line)  This will ensure that you don’t have to keep moving your position for fear of being underwater.  I like to place it where the water will end up gently lapping at my feet .  After a few tries you will become an expert at beach chair placement.
If you don’t have a chair and use a beach blanket, you can do two things, place your beach blanket at the hight tide line or go to the Quahog Republic Retail Hut in Plymouth and buy a Quahog Republic beach chair with retractable sun canopy($50.00) to be more mobile.
This article is all about relaxing.  So here are some tips on making that happen.  First of all, leave that cell phone in the car.  How can you relax if you are answering emails, texting friends or taking phone calls.  If someone wants to get in touch with you, they can join you at the beach.  Trust me, at first this is hard to do, but after a few beach visits you won’t even think about your cell phone.    Secondly, music.  In this day an age we all have an IPOD or some type of mp3 player.  This is the best way to enjoy music at the beach.  You can turn it up as loud as you want without making the people next to you deaf and secondly you can listen to that song or group that is your guilty pleasure and not be judged publicly.
 Don’t forget drinks or snacks.  There are a few rules here.  You need a place to store your drinks and snacks.  A simple cooler is all you need.  You should be able to carry it one arm.  If you have to drag a cooler, it is too big.  You are not on the beach for 3 days, you are here for a few hours of relaxation.  Now, what to put in that cooler.  It is all about simple here.  I usually bring 4 of my favorite beers and wrap them in a Quahog Republic Bottle coozie($3.99) as I pluck them from the cooler.  If beer isn’t your thing, bottled water with a Crystal Light individual serving will do the trick.  As far as food.  I just bring a box of wheat thins or any type of boxed snack and a few pieces of fruit.  Remember, you are here for at the most 4-5 hours.  A full meal can be had after the beach at your friends house later that night.  I will feature an article about that soon.  Don’t bring messy salads in containers or sandwiches that get soggy.  My rule is that you should have nothing to clean when you get home from the beach and any trash you have can be dropped in the parking lot trash can.
The last item on your beach resume will be reading material.  Don’t be that person who brings a newspaper and it is blowing all around and they are wrestling that thing to their chest so it doesn’t blow away.  I prefer a good paperback book or magazine.  These are both mobile and wont blow away on you. It is not often you can read a bit of Jack Kerouac and then Find out what the Kardsashians are up to all in an afternoon.
Hopefully after building your beach resume, at the end of the day you will have found a great beach you have never been to, perfectly position yourself  at that beach and you are completely relaxed.  Going to the beach should be a relaxing experience and if you follow a few of these simple tips you will leave the beach at the end of the day knowing what it is to be an official citizen of the Quahog Republic and living the Live.Give.Relax. lifestyle.